Know When to Get Help For Your Back Pain!

Back Pain Treatment


More than 8 out of 10 people will experience upper, middle or lower back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain is the most common pain nowadays. In most cases, the pain goes away after some time.. But when the pain is severe or not getting better, you may need medical help.

Here at Painex Clinic we try to provide the best Back Pain Treatment in Pune. So if you don’t know if your pain is serious or not here are answers to some common back pain questions and tips on when to seek help.

What are the common Back Pain Types?

Different Types of Back Pain-

1: According to Severity: Back pain can be mild or severe. Mild back pain is usually described as minor pain and discomfort but not interfering with daily life and work, while severe back pain affects the ability to perform routine activities and work life.

2: Depends on the duration of the pain: Acute back pain lasts lasts days to weeks, while chronic back pain can last months to even years if left untreated.

3: Based on location of pain – Back pain can be classified as upper or lower back pain. 

Upper Back Pain :

Pain in the upper segment of the spine, including the neck region, is commonly referred to as upper back pain. It can be due to problems in the bony segments of the spine, muscles or ligaments for many possible reasons as detailed below. Poor posture and jerky movements of the neck are very common causes of upper back pain in all age groups. Excessive use of cell phones, televisions and laptops in incorrect posture increases the prevalence of neck pain, particularly in children and adolescents, which is a serious problem that needs to be taken into account


  • Neck pain with or without swelling
  • Pain radiating to the hands
  • Pain or difficulty moving the head and neck 

Lower back pain:

Pain that affects the lower segment of the spine is called back pain.

Depending on the cause, this pain can sometimes radiate to the hip region and travel down the legs. The most common cases of back pain are caused by incorrect posture or lifting weights. The way you sit or sleep, the type of mattress, your daily routine should be closely monitored to find the cause of your back pain.


  • Low back pain with or without swelling
  • Lower back pain that radiates down the buttocks and legs to the knee or even feet
  • Lower back pain that gets worse with bending, sitting, standing or walking

What are the most common causes of back pain?

Our backs are made up primarily of a central bony structure called the spine, which encloses the spinal cord and blood vessels and is supported by muscles, ligaments and cartilage-like discs that cushion the vertebrae. Problems with any of these components for any reason can lead to back pain and discomfort.

  • Wrong posture C
  • Calcium and vitamin D deficiency
  • Fall or injury
  • Muscle strain
  • Ruptured disc
  • Bulging disc
  • Sciatica
  • Arthritis
  • Abnormal curvature of vertebral column- Lordosis, kyphosis or scoliosis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Spondylitis
  • Problem with internal organs
  • Infections like tuberculosis of the spine and other viral or bacterial infections

When should I See a Doctor for Back Pain?

If your back pain lasts over period of 48 hours and keeps you from taking part in normal, daily activities, see your family doctor. If your pain is severe, you must see a doctor sooner. you must get immediate medical aid if you have got:

  • Fever related to back pain
  • Back pain after trauma
  • Loss of bladder or bowel management
  • Loss of strength in your arms and legs
  • Unexplained weight loss associated with back pain

Also, try to be more cautious all the time if you have special risk factors for cancer, infection, or fractures which will have an effect on the spine.

If your back pain is from a recent strain or small injury, your primary care doctor will most likely help. However if the pain is severe, ongoing, or among different symptoms similar to numbness or tingling in your arms or legs, it should be time to check with a back pain specialist doctor. Start with nonsurgical treatment for back pain. We here at Painex Clinic provide best options for non-surgical treatment and will get you relief with the best back pain treatment in Pune.


Shoulder Pain Can be Serious

Shoulder Pain Can be Serious

Shoulder joint complex could be a combination of many joints that mix with tendons and muscles to permit a good range of motion within the arm — from scratching your back to throwing a jawline. Any downside in the spheroid joint complex will be disturbing. The pain could also be temporary or continuous and need diagnosis and treatment.

Most typical shoulder issues represent four major categories:

  • Tendon/bursal problems
  • Instability
  • Arthritis
  • Capsule problems

Bursa, afluid crammed sac, that act as a cushion between the bones and also the muscles. Excessive use of shoulder results in inflammation of this sac.

Tendinitis– tendon is a chord like structure that connects muscle to bone, inflammation of this chord can happen acutely when a strenuous physical exercise or after acute calcium deposits or chronic tendinitis because of overuse, wear and tear, which might rupture after alittle injury.

Shoulder Instability can occur when head of the arm bone comes out of the shoulder socket due to sudden injury. If the ligaments and capsule around the shoulder is loose or torn dislocation can happen frequently. continual episodes of such dislocations will be harmful to surrounding structures and will cause arthritis, if not treated.

Arthritis additionally known as wear and tear of the shoulder joint, can be because of many causes resembling recent age, untreated muscle tendon tears, instability, old infection or inflammation within the joint. a totally arthritic joint is most painful condition and can need a joint replacement surgery.

Stiff shoulder (Frozen shoulder/ Adhesive capsulitis)- Cause for stiff shoulder can be injury, surgery, any inflammation in and round the joint, arthritis, rarely any malignancy surrounding the shoulder joint. This issue is usually resolved with medications and rehabilitation however some might have a hole surgery to unleash the tight covering of the joint.

Non surgical management like  either PRP ( platelet rich olasma ) or Radiofrequency ablation can be used to treat  the condition

Pain within the shoulder shouldn’t be taken lightly unless said normal by your doctor, as each pain in the body features a cause and a solution. 

How Long Should You Wait to See a Doctor for Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder injuries are prevalent, specially in athletes who use repetitive motions of their sport which includes swimmers, tennis players, pitchers, and weightlifters. While common in athletes, accidents can arise during everyday activities too.

A countless range of people stay with shoulder pain each day. If you’re one of these people experiencing weak point or have trouble lifting above shoulder level, you must seek advice from one of our surgeons. 


Most shoulder injuries are caused by problems with the ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Lesions can develop over time from repeated use or from ignoring warning signs of a problem. Occasionally, an injury occurs during or after an accident.

Painex Clinic recommends the following:

See a doctor right away: If you experience shoulder pain with shortness of breath or chest tightness, you may be having a heart attack. You need immediate medical attention. You should also seek immediate medical attention if your shoulder pain is caused by an injury. Get help right away if you notice a joint that appears deformed, becomes unable to use the joint, has severe pain, or has sudden swelling.

If possible, make an appointment with your doctor if you notice swelling, redness, or tenderness and warmth around the joint. Don’t wait to make an appointment if you’re in pain.

Self-Care: If you have mild shoulder pain, you can try pain relievers, rest, and use ice to relieve the discomfort. Avoid using your shoulder in ways that can potentially aggravate your discomfort.

What Is Tennis Elbow and Its’s Treatment

What Is Tennis Elbow and Its's Treatment

What is tennis elbow and what is the treatment for it?

Friends, today we will take a brief look at tennis elbow / pain on the outer side of the hand.
Usually, people who move their thumbs too fast, have a lot of pain in the outer corner of their hand. Sometimes this pain seems to come forward (i.e. from the corner of the hand to the claw of the hand) to the full part i.e. (the complete outer part of the hand) the pain increases… when we press the corner of the hand.. the pain increases. This is called “tennis elbow”.

Treatment of tennis elbow is very simple.

Initially, rest ultrasound physiotherapy should be done for a few days. If it does not decrease, then a course of two to three days of some pain killer drugs should be given. If it does not decrease or the pain is temporarily stopped by the pain killer drug, then the pain returns, then PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy) is used for the patient. Blood is drawn, processed and injected right into the contains growth factors, it heals the wear and tear. After PRP injection, this pain decreases. This process takes at most half an hour. It is very safe and there is no chance of contamination as it has own blood and usually we don’t use steroids in PRP… Thanks…..