Ways That Can Help Ease Your Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain Treatment Natural Remedies

You’ve most likely experienced lower back pain. It affects more than 80% of people at some point in their lives. We’re all curious about the best way to get rid of lower back pain quickly. Backache can be frustrating and draining at best. At its worst, this type of discomfort can be completely incapacitating. If you’ve ever awoken with a severe backache, you know how quickly such an ailment can derail your day, week, or even several months or years. There are numerous natural remedies for back pain that can help you reduce your medication intake or supplement your current medical treatment.

Explore these natural pain-relieving methods to see which ones work best for you :

  1. Find a Physical Therapist :

This can make a big difference, especially if you’ve been in pain for more than 4-6 weeks. These specialists can help you become more mobile and flexible by using techniques such as electrical stimulation, ultrasound, heat, and muscle relaxation.

They can also teach you self-help exercises to keep your symptoms at bay. These can improve your posture and keep your back and abdominal muscles (your core) healthy.

Painex Clinic is the best solution when it comes to a surgery free back pain treatment in Pune. Our approach for non-surgical treatment helps you get better solutions for your back pain.

  1. Sleep Better and sleep longer:

Getting enough sleep is another important strategy for staying in shape. You may experience sleep deprivation if you do not sleep in an optimal position. Aches can also be caused by poor sleeping posture. Make sure your spine is in a neutral position and try to sleep on your back. If you have trouble sleeping unless you’re on your side, you should switch sides on a regular basis. Instead of placing your pillow beneath your shoulders, place it beneath your neck and head. Your back will feel less sore during the day if you get a good night’s sleep. A good night’s sleep can heal you and leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and less stressed.


  1. Keep Moving, Keep Stretching :

Although it may seem counterintuitive to exercise when suffering from lower back pain, the right type of movement can help alleviate the discomfort. It’s always a good idea to consult your doctor before engaging in physical activity when you’re in pain, but this conversation is well worth having if you’re in pain.

Yoga is an excellent way to stretch your back, improve the health of your muscles and joints, improve the distribution of healing nutrients through blood circulation, and increase spinal flexibility. Perform the stretches slowly at first and only progress if you are comfortable and not in pain. You will gradually be able to incorporate more stretches into your routine.

To begin, keep in mind that not all exercise is beneficial in combating back pain. When it comes to relieving back pain, a variety of exercises can be beneficial. According to studies, people who stay active despite low back pain are more flexible than those who play it safe and stay in bed for a week. Exercises that both strengthen and stretch your body are the most beneficial.


  1. Ice and Heat:

Hot and/or cold therapy is another effective treatment option. This remedy is simple to implement and reasonably priced. Certain types of aches may be relieved by the application of heat and/or cold. This could include lower back pain caused by common causes such as spinal stenosis. If you have direct lower back pain as a result of an injury such as a collision, a fall, or a sports injury, hot/cold therapy may be an option. Other types of aches that may benefit from hot/cold applications include sore muscles from exercise and a pulled muscle caused by straining the back.

There isn’t much evidence that ice will relieve your symptoms, but some people swear by it. Do you want to see if it will work for you? Apply ice to your lower back at least three times per day: in the morning, after work or school, and before bed. To protect your skin, wrap the ice or cold pack in a towel. Leave it on for no more than 15-20 minutes at a time.

Heat can help relieve low back pain. Moist heat, such as baths, showers, and hot packs, is more effective. However, you could try an electric heating pad. Apply it for 15 to 20 minutes at a time to your sore back. Set a timer to avoid falling asleep with it.


  1. Reduce Your Stress, Calm your mind

Prolonged periods of high stress can be detrimental to your health, including your back. Stress can affect the way you breathe, which can lead to back tension and strain. Furthermore, it is common for people to become less active during times of stress. Unfortunately, becoming more sedentary is the polar opposite of what most people require during these times. Sitting at a desk, reclining on a couch, or staying in bed instead of stretching or exercising can be detrimental to your health. Consider making some minor changes to your habits to reduce stress and the likelihood of stress-related discomfort.

According to research, your mental state can influence your chances of developing low back pain more than clinical tests like MRIs and disc injections. People who have chronic pain or difficulty dealing with life’s challenges are nearly three times more likely to have back pain than those who do not. That is, if you are constantly anxious or expect the worst in every situation, you are more likely to experience pain.

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), for example, can help alleviate your symptoms. This exercise teaches you to tune out negative mental chatter and concentrate on your breathing. Look up how to use these techniques online.


Severe pain that is not relieved by self-care must be evaluated by a medical professional in order to receive an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. We have the most experienced back pain specialist in Pune to provide you with proper guidance and various back pain treatment options.

Finding the best pain relief technique is usually a process of trial and error, so it’s worth trying out different approaches. Try these natural back pain relief strategies and see what works best for you.