What is Heel Spur

A heel spur is a foot condition caused by a bony-like growth between your heel bone and arch called a calcium deposit.

Heel spurs frequently begin in the front and beneath your heel. They eventually affect other parts of your foot. They can grow to be up to half an inch long. They may not be visible to the naked eye.

It can be difficult to detect heel spurs. Heel spurs do not always cause pain, and not all heel pain is caused by spurs. Continue reading to learn more about these bony growths and what causes them.

Symptoms of a heel spur

  • Heel spur symptoms may include:
  • pain
  • inflammation
  • swelling at the front of your heel
  • Sharp Pain
  • Numbness
  • Stiffness

In addition, the affected area may feel warm to the touch. These symptoms may spread to your foot’s arch. A small bony protrusion may eventually be visible.

Some heel spurs may not produce any symptoms at all. There may also be no changes in the soft tissues or bones surrounding the heel. Heel spurs are frequently discovered only after X-rays and other tests for another foot problem.

What Are the Causes of Heel Bone Spurs?

Bone spurs are the result of abnormal bone growth. When a bone is repeatedly irritated or stressed, the cells responsible for bone growth are stimulated to produce excess calcium deposits in an attempt to protect the bone from injury. A spur-shaped deformity forms as the calcium deposit layers accumulate.

The following are the most common causes of heel bone spurs:

Heel bone spurs are frequently caused by tightness and inflammation of the plantar fascia.

Soft Tissue Tension: Heel bone spurs are commonly caused by tightness in soft tissues such as ligaments, muscles, and tendons. The tight soft tissue pulls on the bone to which it is attached, resulting in excessive tension and local inflammation.

Injury: anything from minor bruising to a bone fracture can result in the formation of excess calcium deposits as part of the healing process. This is a good solution to the problem, but if it is used for too long, heel spurs can form.

Inflammation: When a joint is inflamed as a result of a chronic condition like rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis, the constant irritation can lead to bone spurs.

Exercise: Repetitive activities such as running and jumping, especially on hard surfaces, can lead to the formation of osteophytes on the heel bone.

Footwear: Wearing shoes that are too small, unsupportive, or the wrong shape causes repetitive friction on the foot. This frequently leads to bone spurs on the back of the heel.

Heel spurs can also be caused by the following factors:

  • arthritis
  • injury to the heel
  • excess body weight
  • uncomfortable shoes
  • issues with walking gait
  • wearing flip-flops all the time
  • worn-out shoes

Treatment of heel spur at Painex Clinic Pune

Giving injection of PRP (platelet rich plasma) using ultrasonography. It helps in healing

Compresses that are cold

By temporarily numbing the area, using ice packs or cold compresses for up to 15 minutes at a time may help relieve heel spur pain. This method also aids in the reduction of swelling. Cold compresses are preferable to heat packs for heel spurs because heat relieves joint and muscle aches better.

Anti-inflammatory medication injections

Corticosteroid shots may be recommended by your podiatrist if you are experiencing severe pain. These anti-inflammatory injections reduce pain and inflammation in the heel and arch of the foot.

Pain medications over-the-counter

Over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications can help with acute, or short-term, pain relief. Acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin, and ibuprofen are examples of such medications (Advil, Motrin).

Inform your doctor if you are taking any other medications, such as blood thinners, or if you have any preexisting liver or kidney problems that may prevent you from taking over-the-counter pain relievers.

At Painex Clinic we hav the best Ankle and Heel pain specialist in Pune who provides you with the best suitable options for your heel pain treatment. 

Stretching and physical therapy exercises

Physical therapy may be recommended by your podiatrist as a way to learn and practise exercises to prevent long-term pain, especially since anti-inflammatory medications can only be taken for a limited time.

In the event of acute heel spur pain, your dcotor may advise you to rest your foot until your symptoms subside.  Putting weight on your painful heel will almost certainly worsen the situation. It may also extend your recovery time.

Inserts for orthotic shoes

Orthotic shoe inserts, such as heel pads, can provide the arch and heel support required to alleviate pain. Heel pads can also help to prevent additional wear and tear. They should be worn in conjunction with proper footwear to provide all-around foot protection.

Are Heel Spurs Forever?

 Fortunately, the answer is no in this case. Most heel spurs will go away with the right treatment, which includes physical therapy, exercises, and orthotics. Only about 10% of heel spur cases necessitate surgery.

Can Heel Spurs Disappear By Themselves?

Regrettably, no. Heel bone spurs are unlikely to resolve without proper treatment, and they may worsen. However, most cases of heel spurs can be resolved with a course of physical therapy and simple exercises.

Is Walking Beneficial for Heel Spurs?

Walking with heel spurs can be excruciatingly painful, especially first thing in the morning or after a long period of sitting. The good news is that as you walk more, the pain decreases.

Exercises to treat heel spurs

Stretching exercises are effective ways to improve overall body conditioning because they help you work out sore muscles and tight ligaments while also preventing injuries. The same idea applies to heel spur pain relief and recovery.

Stretching can help relieve pain and inflammation in the heel and calf areas. These are some examples:

  • The calf stretches up against the wall.
  • Calf stretches on the stairs
  • Foot rolls on golf/tennis balls
  • sitting foot flexes
  • towel gripping with your toes

To relieve heel spur pain, try these eight exercises.